Welcome filming & filmmaking courses in Seattle!
This amazing city is one of the first I ever visited outside Los Angeles, and i immediately follow in love. It was always in my dreams to be able to live here one day, walk around the blocks with a big coat and a warm coffee! ...yes, for a person lived all his life in Los Angeles California, to wear a coat and chill a bit in a city with all the seasons, it's a dream!
I knew already... one day Seattle will be my city, it was always a feeling, from the first time I visited it's incredible streets, full of energy and interesting people.
If you happen to live here or be here in Seattle ,come to say hi and I will offer you a coffee! :) I need some advices and insides about this amazing city and it's life style!
(For more info please email us at: leonardofilms@live.com)
I do live in Seattle! I would love to participate a film course! When do you start?